Group Exhibition
May 5 - 29, 2022
Friday, May 6, 2022 | 5 - 9 PM during ART LOOP
John Kozacheson
Maternal, 2021
steel, polyurethane, paper towels, wire
46” x 144” x 78”
The 2022 Lynn Herrick Sharp Award Exhibition presents the work of three artists exploring identity, memory, and personal history across a variety of media. These artists investigate the role of narrative in shaping and expressing our own stories through art making.
In collaboration with the University of Delaware, the 2022 Lynn Herrick Sharp Award Exhibition features the work of three art majors in the final stages of pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in the Department of Art and Design. During the student’s junior year, portfolios are submitted to the fine art faculty. The faculty then selects one award winner and two honorable mentions to formally exhibit their work and receive a financial award.
John Kozacheson, the 2022 Lynn Herrick Sharp Award winner, focuses on weaving life experiences together with defining symbols from religion, psychology, and cinematic horror to create stories about the core of human existence. His sculptures, videos, and installations incorporate materials and imagery to showcase and manipulate the human form and question our fragile reality. Kozacheson will receive his BFA in Fine Arts from the University of Delaware in May 2022.
Veronica Parcells, one of our honorable mentions, is a video artist, photographer, and sculptor based in Newark, Delaware. She uses her knowledge of theatre, horror, film, makeup, and costume design to create otherworldly characters and scenarios. She attended Webster University to study Wig and Makeup for Theatre and Point Park University to study Mortuary Science. Parcells received her BFA in Fine Arts from the University of Delaware.
Stephanie Richardson, an artist and designer based in Delaware and Pennsylvania, is another honorable mention. Working with a wide array of mediums including watercolor, oil paint, digital media and animation, she combines natural and celestial elements with the human figure to examine the spiritual and supernatural connections between the body and the universe. Richardson will receive her BFA in Fine Arts with a minor in Advertising from the University of Delaware in May 2022.
Lynn Herrick Sharp is a long-time supporter of The Delaware Contemporary, having served as Secretary of the Board of Directors from 2002 to 2008. She is recognized as an Emeritus Board Member for her contributions to The Delaware Contemporary and for championing art in the region.
Constance S. & Robert J. Hennessy Project Space