Deciduous Trees at Somewhere Else, YUFAN WANG

Deciduous Trees at Somewhere Else, YUFAN WANG



Group Exhibition

January 18 - February 21, 2019

Opening Reception: Friday, January 18
2 - 4 PM

The Delaware Contemporary continues the initiative to expand its reach in a cultural exchange with Chinese-based artists, designers, and curators. In a joint collaboration with The University of Delaware Chinese Students and Scholars Association (UD CSSA), The Delaware Contemporary will showcase an exhibition of photographs from the East Coast Chinese Community. Various viewpoints on the topic of "Somewhere Else" will examine differences in daily life between places, emotional moments of nostalgia, or other narratives that point to the ambiguous and unknown. By exploring issues of identity, cultural barriers and bridges, the exhibition intends to widen the aperture on the lives and talents in the local Chinese community, especially through the lens of early adulthood that often records, discovers, creates, and challenges perspectives.

How does one define homeland? By definition homeland means one's native land, speaking to an intimate familiarity and a sense of security. Many people find themselves floating outside this realm of safety by living, studying, or traveling to somewhere else. Among those individuals finding themselves "somewhere else" are the overseas students, workers, or families from China. They are, or have experienced, moving from native land to somewhere else, from Chinese culture to another culture, only to find the transition initially somewhat disorienting. The Gretchen Hupfel Curator of Contemporary Art, Kathrine Page, addressed this relocation phenomenon like "adjusting to the light" as if exiting or entering from a dark room into the bright light of day.

The exhibition includes the following 15 artists.

Fangyu Cai: from Xi’an, Shaanxi in the middle of China. “Nine years of studying in the US taught me that everything in life is precious.“

Yi Cao: a Beijing native with a Master's Degree in arts management at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA.

Bozhan Hong: a junior year student at the University of Delaware. “I am hoping that one day I can travel around the world to learn about different cultures and diverse food.”

Tianyi Hou: “I am a college student who enjoys recording life with cameras and food.”

Zhongyuan Hu: a Computer Science major at University of Delaware. “I love to take pictures of my life and places using many devices.”

Yihang Jiang: graduate student at the University of Delaware. “I grew up in the beautiful city of Zhenjiang, Jiangsu. After six years studying in America, I have gradually turned Newark into my second hometown.”

Shuyao Li: “I am a finance student who loves traveling and often uses the holidays to travel and broaden horizons.”

Tianyu Liu: “I am from Tianjin. I like to take pictures of beautiful scenery. Recently, I decided to own a bookstore”

Yufan Wang: born and raised in Beijing, pursuing a Bachelor's degree at the University of Delaware. “I enjoy taking pictures, while singing in the wild.”

Yu Wei: from Tianjin and student at the University of Delaware. “I like to record every beautiful moment in my life with photos.”

Muyang Wu: born in Beijing and currently studying at the University of Delaware. “I really like traveling to places. My goal is to travel around the world before the age of 30.”

Linhan Xu: from China. “I love photography because it can translate my inner feelings into tangible photos.”

Ruisen Yang: from China. “I like photography, because I can use the camera to record life.”

Furui Zhao: “I am an outdoor adventurer and nature lover. I believe that you need to make efforts to reach true beauty.”

Xiaofeng Zhu: studying in the University of Delaware Chemistry Department. “I enjoy painting very much.”

Curated by Wenlu Bao.

Constance S. & Robert J. Hennessy Project Space


2017年,美国特拉华当代艺术馆(The Delaware Contemporary)开启了一项倡议:拓展与中国与华人艺术家、设计师与策展人的文化艺术交流。因此,特拉华当代艺术馆与特拉华大学中国学生学者联谊会(UD CSSA)合作开展摄影展“他乡”并公开征集作品以展现美国东海岸华人在摄影方面的创造力与才华。在关于“他乡”这个主题上有各种不同的视角,比如不同环境中的日常生活、情绪充盈或思乡的时刻、或其他感怀的瞬间或精彩的故事。本次展览试图通过展现这些来自华人社区充满生机和能量的摄影作品,展开关于身份、文化壁垒和桥梁等问题的讨论与思考,尤其在那些经常记录、探索并富有挑战精神的年轻人中。 

在我们讨论他乡之前,如何定义“故乡”?“故乡”或许意味着一个人的故土,一块让人充满亲密关系和安全感的土壤。当然也有许多人选择了漂泊他乡,走出了那片温馨的舒适区,来到全新的地域或领域,或生活、或学习、或工作、或旅行。这些在他乡土壤上的人中就包含来自中国的留学生、工作者,以及/或者他们的家庭。有人感触过,有人正在经历这些变迁,从中国文化到一个全新的环境中,如何融入又如何自洽。正如Gretchen Hupfel当代艺术策展人Kathrine Page女士所述,这种现象仿佛是“适应光线”的过程,试想进出室内与户外强光的那种感受,眼睛总要先适应一会儿,内心里却是恍如隔世。







我的名字是江宜航,现在是特拉华大学的一名研究生。我来自江苏镇江,一座不甚出名却底蕴深厚的江南小城。这座小城三山环绕,一江东流,是吴文化的重要发祥地,也孕育了许多震古烁今的文人墨客, 而我就是在这一片吴侬软语中长大的。 这已经是我来到美国的第六个年头了。这些年回到家乡的次数也就四五次,大部分时间还是在美国学习生活,渐渐把纽瓦克这座小城当做自己的第二个故乡了。因为每天上学的缘故,对纽瓦克的大街小巷越来越熟悉,也时常会发现一些自己意想不到的风景,便会用相机记录下来,来收藏生活中的点点滴滴。



王宇凡:北京出生,北京长大,在帝都度过了人生的第一个二十年。 现就读于特拉华大学本科计算机专业。 喜欢去无人的荒野,拍片唱歌。


我的名字是邬沐阳, 我出生在北京,15岁出国读高中,现在就读于特拉华大学,大学二年级。我兴趣爱好很多,读书,画画,写写散文。而且我很喜欢旅游,日本,意大利,法国,墨西哥等等,我的目标是在30岁之前环球旅行,我喜欢感受不同地域的文化。 可能跟中国人的传统有关,我很喜欢创造一些含蓄的作品,需要慢慢品读。




我叫朱晓峰, 特拉华大学化学系大三的学生,爱好画画。

Constance S. & Robert J. Hennessy Project展览空间