Top Row: Dennis Beach, Nanci Hersh, Ruth Ansel | Middle Row: Caroline Chen, Natalie Hutchings | Bottom Row: Jenna Lucente, Rick Hidalgo, Gina Bosworth
SABA V, 2019 | SABA IV, 2018 | SABA III, 2017
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Patron Preview: 6 - 7 PM
Open Party: 7 - 9 PM
Patron Preview Tickets: $100 - limited tickets available
Open Party Tickets: $35 at the door
THANK YOU to the artists who have submitted their work for SABA V! We are truly grateful for your support. We are excited to display this beautiful selection of work including an Ola Rondiak piece that traveled all the way from Ukraine to be at SABA!
SABA V is around the corner! Whether new to art collecting or looking to grow your collection, you won't want to miss the chance to buy these beautiful pieces of work available ONLY at SABA V. This popular event receives hundreds of pieces of artwork from local, national and international artists of all levels. All artwork is 6x6 inches and displayed anonymously during the event offering guests a unique opportunity to acquire works of art from notable artists at an affordable price.
NEW PATRON FORMAT! This year, instead of a race to choose artwork during the patron preview, patrons will be able to select their artwork in the order tickets were purchased. The first person who bought a ticket will be the first person to choose their piece of art, and so on. THIS IS FOR THE PATRON PREVIEW ONLY. The Open Party portion of the event will be the usual elbow-knocking, art-grabbing fun.
All artwork will be displayed anonymously until sold.
ARTWORK PRICE: $25 per piece
Event highlights include live music by Milan and the Sour Goat and dinner by Drip Café. Cash bar.
This portion of the event includes complimentary champagne and offers guests the opportunity to preview and reserve ONE artwork choice before the Open Party.
Tickets: $100, includes the price of one piece of artwork - LIMITED TICKETS AVAILABLE
Enjoy an evening of art collecting, food, and live music. Cash bar.
Tickets: $35 at the door
SABA V Contributing Artists
Margo Allman, Dennis Ambrogi, Paul Andreas, Ruth Ansel, Anonymous, Leanna Abat Bacani, Dennis Beach, Brad Bealmear, Paz Becker, Susan Benarick, Grace Bichava, Miroslava Mira Bihac, Arlinka Blair, Kirsten Bloomfield, Catherine Bosk, John Breakey, Sherry Brilliant, Yakime Akelá Brown, Bill Buck, David Burslem, Adjoa Burrowes, Linda Celestian, Crystal Comeger, Lily Condit, Melissa Condit, Marietta Dantonio-Madsen, Delina Dastur, Rebecca Davidson, Nora Davis, Jen Hintz Eggers, Kristina Ellura, Erin Erskine, Arden Feltman, Clairmarie Field, Paula Gallimore, Geraldo Gonzalez, Deckard Green, Holt Green, Brittany Gronvold, Cherie Hacker, Jeffrey Hankinson, Laura Havlish, Bronwen Hazlett, Nanci Hersh, Rick Hidalgo, Ronna Hochman, Joshua Hollingsworth, Laurel Cecilia Howard, Hana Hubert, Natalie Hutchings Art, Philomena Jack, Adira Riben Jenner, James Joseph, Regina Katz, India Kirsten, Kristen, Katherine J. LeCocq, Emily Locke, James Locke, Rose Locke, Virginia Lockman, Tynisha Lomax, Anahi Lopez, Richard E. Lopez, Jenna Lucente, Ken Mabrey, Mart Mannik, Catie Marvin, Maeve McCool, Amy & Frank McKeef, Ron Meick, Desmond Michels, Cadence Michels, Scott Michels, Tatiana Muska Michels, Calla Mika, Meagan Mika, Peggy Mika, Rose Minetti, Sutton Mix, Tony Monahon, Isabella Louise Montoya, Rafael Montoya, Saundra Montoya, Carol-Lynn E. Moran, Gregg Morris, Vered Nohi, Anne Oldach, Olive, Andre Pace, Robert Palandrani, Mariko Perry, Lauren Elizabeth Peters, B. Powell, Danielle Ramos, Ellen Raskin, Susan Richards, Ola Rondiak, Lou Rosenberg, David Rubin, Jeffrey Rubin, Lynda Schmid, Mariceli Sierra, Nina Silver, Alexandra Slezak, Joann "Jojoimo" Smiley, Tremain Smith, Stan Smokler, John Stengel, Christopher Stevens, Amy Stone Fine Art, Annabel Straub, Siegfried Straub, James Suit, Norah Suit, Emily Tackett, Kristina Tannen, Kate Testa, G.W. Thompson, Linda Wynne Toman, Terrance Vann, Alivia Ward-Owens, Dayman Warren, Erin Warren, John Webb, Kurt West, Sam Whalen, Anne Whitney, Courtney Widdoes, Michael Willse, Casey Wolhah, Valetta, Chana Yoder, Lori Hope Zeller, Heidi Zenisek, and Colleen Zufelt.