Lauren E. Peters
Ken Mabrey
Lauren E. Peters and Ken Mabrey
October 5 - 28
Opening Reception: Friday, October 5 | 5 - 9 PM during Art Loop
Lauren E. Peters
Peters' work addresses the fluidity and multifaceted nature of identity. Each painting is based on a single photograph, utilizing a variety of clothing and props to switch between various personas. While the costumes may be thought of as disguises, they are created to bring the different realities beneath our "normal" appearance to light.
Lauren E. Peters holds a BA in painting and has been working in the genre of self-portraiture for the past three years. She was awarded the 2018 Delaware Division of the Arts Fellowship for painting in the "Emerging Artist" category.
Ken Mabrey
Ken Mabrey’s linear, expressive brushwork recalls the work of Reginald Marsh and Peter Paul Rubens with fantastical and voluptuous figures. His playful sketches, referred to as “mark-makings,” contain vast color range.
“Art was the one thing Mabrey found he could do as early as first and second grade that made people ask him for things. ‘I’m the kid that everybody went to ‘Can you draw me a tank?’ I could draw them a Sherman M4 tank really good.’
“He eventually put down the pencils and picked up paints. ‘I traded up from crayons to pencils to watercolors to oil paint.’”
Elizabeth Denison Hatch Gallery