Deanna Wingel
Cynthia Yoo
Adele Kaczmarek
University of Delaware Lynn Herrick Sharp Award Exhibition
A Group Exhibition
May 3 – May 26, 2019
OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, May 3, 2019, 5 - 9 PM during Art Loop
In a joint venture with the University of Delaware, The Delaware Contemporary presents the Lynn Herrick Sharp Award Exhibition. In September 2009, Lynn Herrick Sharp established an award in support of the Fine Arts program in the Department of Art and Design at the University of Delaware. The award is presented to an art major in the final stages of pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in photography, sculpture, printmaking, or painting. During the students’ junior year, portfolios are submitted to the Fine Arts faculty. The faculty then selects one award winner and two honorable mentions to exhibit their work publicly and receive a financial award. The 2018-19 Lynn Herrick Sharp Award winner is Deanna Wingel, with honorable mentions going to Adele Kaczmarek and Cynthia Yoo.
Deanna Wingel is a painter, printmaker, and sculptor who aims to create opened-ended interpretations of her personal experiences. Her morbid humor and self-aware melancholia help her address the absurd through the personal relics she creates.
Sculptor and video artist Adele Kaczmarek’s artistic practice relies on the exploration of process. Experimentation and trial-and-error take the reins as concepts form, and motifs emerge, through color, movement, and texture.
Cynthia Yoo’s films and photographs reflect her infatuations with nostalgia and storytelling. Using a subtle pallet and pulling inspiration from the science of color phenomenon in cinema, she creates work to encourage a respect and appreciation for different cultures.
Lynn Herrick Sharp is a long-time supporter of The Delaware Contemporary, having served as Secretary of the Board of Directors from 2002 to 2008. She is recognized as an Emeritus Board Member for her contributions to The Delaware Contemporary and for championing contemporary art in the region.
This exhibition is coordinated by Kate Testa, University of Delaware Curatorial Fellow.
Constance S. & Robert J. Hennessy Project Space