Aerial View Landscape I
Haeley Kyong
March 4 - 21, 2021
Opening Reception:
Friday, March 5, 2021 | 5 - 8 PM
Kyong’s works feature abstract paintings and a wall-mounted 3D work that offer a meditation on color and form. In developing her style, Kyong drew inspiration from shapes and forms seen in everyday life, gradually distilling their qualities through basic geometric shapes and color harmony. Much of the work for this exhibition was conceived through the many months of quarantine during the 2020 global pandemic.
From Los Angeles Union Station to Jacksonville International Airport in Florida, Kyong’s works have been featured in museums and galleries across the United States. Her unique approach has even earned her the honor of being named an “inspirational resource” by the curators of Carol Shen Gallery of the Packager Collegiate Institute in Brooklyn, New York in 2017.
Elizabeth Denison Hatch Gallery