Donna Usher
January 22 - April 24, 2022
OPENING EVENT: Friday, February 4, 2022 | 5 - 9 PM during ART LOOP
Aqua Regina
Friday, March 4, 2022 | 5 - 9 PM
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Airs at 6 PM
Internationally exhibited and locally-based painter, Donna Usher, considers natural forms of synergy through abstracted compositions of brightly colored and endlessly variegated circular shapes. This visual vocabulary has been core to the development and examinations done by Usher throughout her career. The Natura series features Usher’s most recent body of work and furthers her investigation of the organic phenomena of our world and the subsequent patterns found in these essential elements and events. Inspired by subject matter such as microscopic cells, flowing wind and water patterns, and the kinetic movement of starling murmurations, Usher visualizes the grander designs and their interconnected relationships of the natural world.
Natura reveals Usher’s visual language, comprehensively executed through dimension and format. The variation of scale and format lend the opportunity for closer viewing of Usher’s compositional layering. The larger works showcase the endless multitude of circular patterns that define the series, and Usher’s work as a whole.
As seen in foundational works such as Organic Language, the array of texture, shape, and color converge to build a lush and dynamic landscape of movement. This element of movement acts as the undercurrent for all of the work both conceptually and visually. Usher’s inspirations, taken from the natural world, inform the resulting compositional movement seen throughout the work, from the smallest textured dot to the overarching orbs of color. This visual experience allows the viewer to traverse the canvas, leading them through the balanced maze of shape and color. Usher’s development and implementation of her abstract vocabulary informed by her experience allows viewers to consider their own personal stories embodied through abstraction.
DuPont I Gallery
Photo Credit: Dan Jackson