June 7 - August 25, 2024

OPENING EVENT: June 7, 2024 | 5 - 9 PM

Phillip Adams, Open Road

Liminal–from the Latin limen, meaning threshold–describes a physical, emotional, or temporal place of transition. Eerie, forlorn, surreal, disconcerting, yet somehow still nostalgic and familiar; the liminal is the perfect metaphor for life’s manifold nature and interconnectivity.

LIMINA explores the sense of subtle disorientation felt during a period of transition. As we stand on the threshold of an uncertain future, familiar objects & places become increasingly surreal. We exist between the continuity of our previous experiences while proceeding into the unknown. The location and sensation between those destinations are described as "liminal space."

As reliable boundaries between the familiar and the emergent coalesce, we are confronted with uncanny perceptions of ordinary life. This exhibition presents the theme of liminal space through the lens of diverse mediums and  embraces the myriad forms it takes in our lives.

DuPont II Gallery

Participating Artists:  Phillip Adams, Francis Beaty, Sarah R. Bloom, Eric Callahan, Catherine Day, Grace Doyle ,Michelle Herman, Lisa Marie Patzer, Lea Devon Sorrentino

Curated by Kasia Bunofsky and Ryan Vai