Lion, Daniel Jackson
Shawn Baron Pinckney
Dan Jackson & Shawn Baron Pinckney
December 4 - 30, 2018
Opening Reception:
Friday, December 7 | 5 - 9 PM during Art Loop
Daniel Jackson
This series of photographic still-lifes poke fun at contemporary art by exploring personal taste. Is art truly a reflection of the culture or a carefully curated farce that only reflects the tastes of the powerful?
Daniel Jackson is one of The Delaware Contemporary Studio Artists. He has been exhibiting painting and photography for over 20 years across the county in galleries and museums. He is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University with a Bachelors in Fine Arts and received his Masters of Studio Arts from the University of Delaware. He has received the established professional fellowship from the Delaware Division of the Arts as well as the Joan Mitchell Graduate Fellowship.
Shawn Baron Pinckney
With his latest work in Keeping Up With the Illuminati, Shawn Baron Pinckney unearths the secrets of the Magi, the Iranian taught Persian priests from the sacred cast of Zoroastrianism, who paid homage to the baby Jesus in the gospel of Matthew with gifts of frankincense, myrrh and gold. The Magi found the newborn babe due to their pursuit of a prophecy from their prophet, Zoradascht.
Shawn Baron Pinckney’s artwork explores the sacred ritual of dress and its cultural significance. Utilizing fashion, history and literature as a foundation, Pinckney elicits a new dialogue about societal norms with the objective of opening the viewer’s mind to a broader reality of humanity. Shawn Baron Pinckney’s work has been published domestically and internationally including Tableaux Vivants by Tony Ward, Vigore Magazine, Mami Magazine, The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Delaware News Journal. Mr. Pinckney has been a guest lecturer at The University of Pennsylvania for The Art of Couture series.
Elizabeth Denison Hatch Gallery