Homage to Ola Rondiak
Homage to Ola Rondiak
HAND SEWN MASKS by Kathrine Page
Ola Rondiak’s work weaves news clippings, sewing patterns, and paint to visualize metaphors of Ukraine and to give voice to the invincible spirit of women. She’s a girly-girl, feminine to the extreme, but she’s also a force to be reckoned with. Her family lived through historical events of WWII, Stalin’s Iron Curtain, and two revolutions—2004 and 2014. Her unique imagery imprints a sense of power while honoring her beloved ancestors’ strengths and gifts. As Rondiak’s work lends a visceral point of entry to engage viewers in memory and materiality, this “art to wear” mask not only lends homage to Rondiak’s multilayered work and the spirit of women, but serves as a barrier point of entry for the current unwelcomed intruder, Covid-19.
Behind the Lines: https://www.decontemporary.org/tempora-mutantur
MATERIALS: cotton, polyester, Pellon interfacing